
my prince’s trust ‘brilliant breakfast’ recipe

11th September 2023
With the help of Gwyneth, Jemima, Snowdrop, Bluebell and Beatrix the chickens, I hosted my very first 'Brilliant Breakfast' this week...

As soon as I found out about The Prince’s Trust’s ‘Brilliant Breakfast’ campaign, I knew that I wanted to get involved… and encourage as many of you to get involved too! Why so? Because it has been designed to raise funds to help disadvantaged young women get into work, education or training, thus turning their lives around for the better!

With that in mind, I hosted a ‘Brilliant Breakfast’ at home for my team a few days ago and put Gwyneth, Jemima, Snowdrop, Bluebell and Beatrix’s eggs to good use. Complimented by a gorgeous, seasonal table scape inspired by the exact same flowers and fruits growing in my garden outside, we sat down to feast on buttery Millen-Gordon scrambled eggs, served on sourdough and topped with freshly picked chives.

(I also stocked up on some freshly baked banana and date loaf, blueberry pancakes and flapjack from Soho Farmhouse but I won’t lie, we munched on those throughout the afternoon instead!)

If you’d like to get involved and support the amazing cause too, simply host a breakfast with friends, family or colleagues between the 9th and 15th October next month, encourage guests to donate money (or charge a fee) and raise funds for the Prince’s Trust’s ‘Brilliant Breakfast’ campaign in the process.


Not sure what to cook? I’ve outlined my scrambled egg recipe and technique below!

The recipe (serves four)

8 free range eggs
A large knob of butter
4 large slices of fresh sourdough
A handful of chives 
A handful of peashoots
Salt & Pepper to serve

The method:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, hand whisk the eggs until their light and fluffy
  2. Pop the sourdough into the toaster on your preferred toast setting
  3. Put the butter into a nonstick saucepan on low heat 
  4. When the butter has melted, add the eggs and stir continuously, cooking slowly until they start to firm up. When the majority of the eggs have set, remove from the heat and continue to stir. The eggs should look buttery and smooth.
  5. Serve the eggs on top of the toasted sourdough
  6. Season with salt & pepper and serve topped with freshly picked chives and peashoots 

Looking for more seasonal recipes? Try my tomato and courgette chutney recipe, here…

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  • Lavanya
    11th September 2023 at 10:19 am

    I have admired you from day one, ever since I discovered your online presence. You inspire me in ways I cannot put into words but here’s me trying. You live a life I have aspired to live all along, and knowing someone is making it happen, serves me a belief in manifestation. I love you and all about you, Lydia. Thank you for the fundraising initiative and awareness, and for putting together a brilliant succulent Prince’s Breakfast. My mouth was watering from reading the recipe and my eye tearing from the women of challenge, empowerment goal.

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