
getting ready for bikini season.

17th March 2015
There’s less that a week until the clocks change which means we all get our lives back. No more heading home to pyjamas and a warm cup of coco, theres BBQ’s, Beer Gardens and Good times to be had from here on out. But more importantly, Bikini season is enroute and it’s time to up the ante so all those beautiful Triangl bikini’s full fill their CPW.       As with every season I’ve put together some tips to get you back in the zone for Spring/Summer:   Cut the crap! Oh! How rude! But seriously you’re gonna have to cut out all the crap in your diet if you really want to fast track your results this Summer. No more fizzy drinks, sweets or fast food. And if you simply can’t do without opt for healthier options like 80% Dark Chocolate, Homemade burgers with sweet potato chips or this simple chocolate cake recipe I told ya’ll about recently.   Get your heart pumping It’s about this time of year that I like to step up my daily cardio from around 15minutes to 25min. But it can get super boring so I like to break it up a bit with 10 minutes on the cross trainer,  10 minutes on the stepper, 10 minutes HIIT sprints on the running machine and then a killer 5 minutes on the stair master.   Make the most of the morning It’s so much easier to get up early when the sun shines through your window so make the most of the daylight hours and get your workout done before you start the day by mastering the morning workout with my tips here. This will ensure you don’t miss out on any impending social events either. You’re welcome!   Live well, Eat really well What […]

ONLY1_d ONLY1_g ONLY1_c ONLY1_a ONLY1_b ONLY1_f ONLY1_eThere’s less that a week until the clocks change which means we all get our lives back. No more heading home to pyjamas and a warm cup of coco, theres BBQ’s, Beer Gardens and Good times to be had from here on out. But more importantly, Bikini season is enroute and it’s time to up the ante so all those beautiful Triangl bikini’s full fill their CPW.




As with every season I’ve put together some tips to get you back in the zone for Spring/Summer:


Cut the crap!

Oh! How rude! But seriously you’re gonna have to cut out all the crap in your diet if you really want to fast track your results this Summer. No more fizzy drinks, sweets or fast food. And if you simply can’t do without opt for healthier options like 80% Dark Chocolate, Homemade burgers with sweet potato chips or this simple chocolate cake recipe I told ya’ll about recently.


Get your heart pumping

It’s about this time of year that I like to step up my daily cardio from around 15minutes to 25min. But it can get super boring so I like to break it up a bit with 10 minutes on the cross trainer,  10 minutes on the stepper, 10 minutes HIIT sprints on the running machine and then a killer 5 minutes on the stair master.


Make the most of the morning

It’s so much easier to get up early when the sun shines through your window so make the most of the daylight hours and get your workout done before you start the day by mastering the morning workout with my tips here. This will ensure you don’t miss out on any impending social events either. You’re welcome!


Live well, Eat really well

What you put in your body, you wear in public (or so they say) so eat foods that are going to nourish you from the inside out, my current favourites are Avocado with lemon squeezed on top which is bursting with Antioxidants, Vitamin B & C and a whole host of good fats which will make you glow even before you’ve managed to hit the beach.


Drink Water

Not only will drinking water flush toxins, improve skin hydration and raise energy levels but it also makes you feel full which will help in resisting any crap during the day!


Pimp your workout wear

Just like in fashion, a new season means a new work out wardrobe. Winter is full of greys and blacks but our Summer wardrobe is where we get to have some real fun. For vibrant prints and neon slogans I’m loving the new collection from ONLY PLAY which you can check out for yourself when they land online in April at Shop Direct, Lipsy and Fenwicks.



Top – ONLY PLAY     Sports Bra – ONLY PLAY      Leggings – Primark      Yoga wraps – Nike     Yoga  mat – Ebay

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