What better time to put together my “Bikini Ready tips” than right before I jet off to Gran Canaria for Swimwear fashion week. I’m gonna be watching some of swimwear’s most elite brands such as Oye Swimwear and We Handsome bare all on the runway, it’s definitely the kick up the arse I need. So here’s a few tips to get your body and skin ready for the beach…. Sun-kissed skin makes you appear more defined which in turn makes you appear slimmer and more toned so get out there and enjoy some serious vitamin D. But for those of you who aren’t a sun worshipper like myself you can get your fix from a bottle such as LovingTan mousse in shade Dark (see here for blog post). You can use the code “lydiaemillen” to get a free delux applicator mitt. I have recently started working out in the morning rather than the evening, as well as re-leaving the stress of jam-packed evenings which means better sleep, and in turn means better skin to show off on the beach, it has also been reported that working out in the morning burns fat rather than carbs (which have been processed in your sleep). Apparently these fats are burned at a much faster rate and also continue to be burned for hours after you finish your workout, perfect for shedding those last few pounds before boarding that plane. Flush any toxins in your body OUT by adding a whole lemon to some warm water and enjoy a glass before each meal. Lemons act as a natural diuretic which is perfect for flushing toxins which in turn aids clearer skin. Ain’t no body got time for breakouts in the Summer. Take your run from the treadmill to the turf and get outside and enjoy […]
What better time to put together my “Bikini Ready tips” than right before I jet off to Gran Canaria for Swimwear fashion week. I’m gonna be watching some of swimwear’s most elite brands such as Oye Swimwear and We Handsome bare all on the runway, it’s definitely the kick up the arse I need.
So here’s a few tips to get your body and skin ready for the beach….
Sun-kissed skin makes you appear more defined which in turn makes you appear slimmer and more toned so get out there and enjoy some serious vitamin D. But for those of you who aren’t a sun worshipper like myself you can get your fix from a bottle such as LovingTan mousse in shade Dark (see here for blog post). You can use the code “lydiaemillen” to get a free delux applicator mitt.
I have recently started working out in the morning rather than the evening, as well as re-leaving the stress of jam-packed evenings which means better sleep, and in turn means better skin to show off on the beach, it has also been reported that working out in the morning burns fat rather than carbs (which have been processed in your sleep). Apparently these fats are burned at a much faster rate and also continue to be burned for hours after you finish your workout, perfect for shedding those last few pounds before boarding that plane.
Flush any toxins in your body OUT by adding a whole lemon to some warm water and enjoy a glass before each meal. Lemons act as a natural diuretic which is perfect for flushing toxins which in turn aids clearer skin. Ain’t no body got time for breakouts in the Summer.
Take your run from the treadmill to the turf and get outside and enjoy this glorious weather we’re having. As an avid HIIT trainer I always find this more challenging when outside. instead of speeding up my pace every 5 minutes I’ll stop and do 30 body weighted squats, 1 minute plank or a set of push ups. The fresh air will do you good!
EXFOLIATE!! It seems silly when all we want to achieve on our summer holidays is a tan a goddess would be proud of, so why should we scrub before hand? Well exfoliating removed dead skin cells meaning you are left with fresh new skin to either bask in the suns heat or grab your mitt and apply with passion. When you remove the dead skin cells it also means your tan lasts longer so don’t be afraid to give you skin the once over. (for more info on the benefits of exfoliating see this blog post here)
Beat the bloat with Greens pH-7 and add them to your smoothies – I’ve got to be honest Green Juice has never been my gig but the benefits just can’t be ignored. claiming to help with tissue recovery, preventing disease and improved energy levels, we don’t just need them to be bikini ready. We need them every day! But the reason they are here is digestion; the fear of waking up after a night full of rich food and moreish Sangria with a belly that resembles someone in their second trimester, is real! Greens pH-7 provide digestive enzymes, which are proven to help with digestion, especially proteins. Adding enzymes to your diet in the form of greens will make your digestion more efficient thus reducing the holiday bloat along side providing improved overall energy.
Do you have any Bikini ready tips you swear by during summer? let me know
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