Walking out of the gym on a Friday snuggled into my Gymshark Tracksuit (from their current collection which launched TO-DAY by the way!) has a similar sensation to walking in on a Monday. I am finished for the week and I’m excited for two days off, I stuck to the diet (mostly) and hit my weekly quota for workouts so the weekend is just for me. Where as by the time Monday rolls around I’m itching to get back to the weights.
I used to feel immense pressure when I first introduced Heath & Fitness to LydiaEliseMillen.com because I wasn’t a professional, all I was doing was sharing my little tips and tricks as I went on my merry way to a healthier existence. But my lack of professionalism is now something I value immensely because like everyone sometimes I fall of the wagon, sometimes I make mistakes and sometimes I eat things that I know will make me unwell. I’m not married to the squat rack and sometimes I’ll just take a week off, because you know sometimes I just need a break.
Because I’m a young professional (currently sat in front of her laptop at 2am) I simply can’t get to the gym every day like the PT’s and competitors out there. I can’t assess your running technique and I’m certainly not about to start coaching you online but I can ensure we take this journey together and learn a little a long the way. Even if it’s just something simple as the latest leggings you need in your workout wardrobe or simply how I get up in the morning ready to work out. I no longer have the pleasure and motivation of a gym buddy, so whenever I’m feeling Bleh about hitting the gym, I think of you guys. I feel like we do this together, like friends but a whole army of us!
Tracksuit Top – Gymshark Tracksuit Bottoms – Gymshark Bag – Alexander Wang Trainers – Nike