It never fails to make me laugh, the assumptions people make about me long before they’ve even met me. Don’t get me wrong I may be guilty of the same when it comes to others. As sad as it may be we all judge to a certain extent. I know that it can shock some people when they discover that it’s actually not ever been a life goal of mine to marry a footballer, despite the award I won as most-likely-to in year 11 (still makes me lol just thinking about it)
What I gave up for lent this year wasn’t chocolate, take aways or cookies. I decided to try to judge less, I can’t say I’d do it all together but I’d do my best. Growing up I had a little chip on my shoulder which other kids misconstrued as being mean, and it wasn’t until I left school that I realised I wanted to be a good person, the kind of person that I am automatically drawn to and the kind of person to uplift others wherever they went. It wasn’t easy to lose the chip but a lot of self discovery teamed with a well selected team of family and friends meant that, well I like to think I’ve made the best of a bad situation.
We have the ability to change someones day with our choice of words. Let’s make sure we make our selections good ones!
Speaking of judging, what’s the betting you’ve judged this coat before clicking the link below because it is in actual fact an absolute bargain at £19!
Coat – Ebay Bag – Balenciaga (SOLD OUT similar here & here) Shoes – Christian Louboutin Jeans – Topshop Roll Neck – Topshop Watch – Daniel Wellington Sunglasses – Celine