
how to be more professional in blogging

7th March 2016
Every day more women face the daunting prospect of full-time blogging. The moment things get serious and you are now in the unique opportunity to turn the hobby you have loved for years, into a fully fledged business in it’s own right, how truly exciting. But whilst we see all the exciting collaborations, events and trips going on we fail to see the hard work which is integral to the longevity of every blog. There’s no manual and many of us navigate our way through this career relatively blind which means more often than not we are learning from each other, whether it’s informative posts or general discussions with friends in the industry or at events. And what better way to kick off your working week than with a post to hopefully get you in the zone when it comes to your career. [lem_title]Reliability[/lem_title] If you say you are going to do something, if you commit to doing it online then obviously you should follow through. By informing your readers and followers that “this blog post will be live tomorrow” is committing and that is hard to do if the post isn’t already shot, written and scheduled because life happens and it happens when you least expect it so you just don’t know what will crop up. It can set you up for failure despite all your intensions being good so try to be less precise, you don’t have to rule it out completely but you can still inform people of your intensions without setting a specific date, time or map co-ordinate.   [lem_title]Respect[/lem_title] There’s a whole lot of busy people in the world and yet it’s so easy to get caught up in just how busy you are,  forget the needs of others and begin to communicate a distinct disrespect for […]

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There’s no manual and many of us navigate our way through this career relatively blind which means more often than not we are learning from each other, whether it’s informative posts or general discussions with friends in the industry or at events. And what better way to kick off your working week than with a post to hopefully get you in the zone when it comes to your career.


If you say you are going to do something, if you commit to doing it online then obviously you should follow through. By informing your readers and followers that “this blog post will be live tomorrow” is committing and that is hard to do if the post isn’t already shot, written and scheduled because life happens and it happens when you least expect it so you just don’t know what will crop up. It can set you up for failure despite all your intensions being good so try to be less precise, you don’t have to rule it out completely but you can still inform people of your intensions without setting a specific date, time or map co-ordinate.



There’s a whole lot of busy people in the world and yet it’s so easy to get caught up in just how busy you are,  forget the needs of others and begin to communicate a distinct disrespect for those working around you. Showing others the same level of respect that you expect in return applies for every aspect of life so it’s a really good trait to master. Aim to communicate with those requiring a prompt response in a timely manner because your delayed response could land them in hot water,  which isn’t going to make them want to work with you again any time soon. Sometimes it can reach a point where you simply can’t get back to everyone in time, which is when you need to find yourself someone who can do so on your behalf. You should respect people in the way you wish to be respected.



It’s a word I don’t hear enough of in blogging which I really believe needs to change. Supporting each other is absolutely imperative to your blogging career. Showing your support of someones content, photography, style or etiquette may seem like a small gesture to you but to them it could mean the world and in doing so can communicate your dedication to the growth of the industry. Unfortunately the blogosphere can be a competitive one with some purposefully not supporting their peers within the industry which really makes me sad. If you think about it this way, in the beginning we were kind of irrelevant, just a group of girls with online journals but now there are so many of us that we cannot be ignored and the bigger we become together the more powerful we are. We are not running against each other, we are running side by side.



There are two kinds of honesty which crop up time and time again. The first is the cards-laid-bare-on-the-table kind of honesty, where your heart is on your sleeve and you open up about who you really are, what you believe in and what you have been through. The other is the honesty in how you run your blog, ensuring your readers are informed and aware of the kind of content they are viewing and whether it was sponsored or not, and quite frankly both are key to running a professional blog.

I often refer to myself as a reader and a blogger, because in short, I do both. I enjoy everything about my career whilst also being a regular reader and fan of a handful of inspiring women in the industry and for me this is invaluable. I know what it’s like to be on either side of the blog so I know what I want to see. I want to get to know the person, what makes them tick and what they stand for in life, not just why they chose the black pair of shoes over the red ones. And equally I want to trust the content that they produce, without having to second guess whether it’s sponsored or not. As a professional you have a duty to your followers to inform them of whether your content was sponsored or not and in my personal opinion, if you are doing it responsibly, it simply shouldn’t matter. In fact you should own that sponsorship and wear it like a badge.



Try to remain as consistent as possible, regular content, regular uploads and regular updates to ensure that your readers know what and when to expect something new. There are some aspects of my blog that I am fiercely protective over and that’s the times that I push my blog posts live. It keeps me sane to know that everything goes live when it should and you know that there will be a new post waiting to be read when you wake up. Sometimes I have to learn to let go a little and during London Fashion Week, I switched it up a little but regular content is something I like to see from others as well as myself so I constantly working to apply this across channels, next stop Youtube.


It’s not always easy meandering your way through your career somewhat blind so I’d love to know what more you’d like to see from the professional blogs that you read and follow, be sure to let me know.


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