A few months back I spent the day with my friend Kerry and due to her profession (beauty) she regularly tells me about beauty products and procedures I should be getting into. We got onto the subject of Retinol, a subject I’d actually never heard of. After complimenting her glowing skin she informed me that she’d got back into using the product to fight breakouts and aging.
Obviously, I’ve just hit 27 so anti aging products are hot on my agenda…dear lord I can’t believe I just said that out loud. But unfortunately it’s true so when she mentioned the A word I decided to go away and do a little more research before I invested in the product. As I’m sure many of you are too, I’m sick of products that promise results, with beautiful girls gracing adverts that don’t even have pores let alone acne or wrinkles.
When I had acne I felt like products, brands and even people would promote products they knew that were playing on my insecurities, I know what it feels like to have your hopes pinned on one product only to be let down and feel like you’ve been ripped off. I wasn’t going to let that happen again.
Retinol is a form of Vitamin A which is a component of many products for Anti Aging on the market and is pretty much the only ingredient that both beauty professionals and scientists agree fights the signs of aging.
My main reason for using the cream is for the signs of aging, however only time will tell if it works in that respect but the condition of my skin as a whole has profoundly improved. As I now have dry/normal skin, Retinol cream essentially strips the dry dull layer of my skin off, revealing new rejuvenated skin beneath. However, just because I successfully treated acne, doesn’t mean I don’t get the odd blemish or hormonal break out here and there and this product is my absolute go-to preventative at the moment. Roaccutane cannot cure hormonal acne so when that time of the month comes I can sometimes get breakouts just like normal.
In fighting breakouts Retinol effectively uncloggs pores and exfoliates dead skincells to prevent clogging too but also helps elimiate bacteria so it tackles breakouts from both angles.
Obviously in terms of anti aging I’m going on what I’ve researched and will have to update you in about 10 years if I think it’s all a load of rubbish. But the way it effects my breakouts I’m pretty hopeful. For fighting the signs of aging, Retinol acts as a potent anti oxident which fights fine lines as well as detoxifys, rejuvenates and smooths skin (I’ve definitely noticed that for myself).
Now because Retinol essentially strips a layer of your skin, you need to have respect for the product when using it and be sure to follow the instructions. You normally start of using it once week until you skin is tollerant of the product and you don’t experience the flaking and sometimes sensitivity. But be patient and before long you I have no doubt you will be reaping the benefits of beautiful skin. However please note, if you are currently using Roaccutane or have recently finished a course of roaccutane do not use this product.
Retinol Cream from Skinceuticals comes in two strengths 0.5% and 1% obviously for more sensitive skin types I’d suggest starting low and working your way up to 1%.