So let me break it down for you in the most organised way I could imagine.
This is probably the most treacherous territory for me – there are so many things that could go wrong with the wrong baubles and toppers. Now if you have any little animal running around (small sausage or elegant lynx included!), they just love the new toys that you have hung for them on the tree and are very keen to knock them down! I love some of the unbreakable baubles for this reason. Anything that looks like it was hung on a tree in the 1800s is also a good addition, I love rusted or antique looking additions to the tree. And I have found the best tree topper out there (why are there so many bad ones on the market??) which I’ve added to the shop below.
If you caught my vlog, you’ll see how elegant ribbons make Christmas decor. Some elements to consider are the following :
I love a velvet or grosgrain ribbon to wrap my Christmas gifts with personally! I even love it woven into wreaths or simply tied into my hair. It adds that elevation to a space that I don’t think any other Christmas decor element does.
Nothing says Ralph Lauren more than tartan, right? And a Ralphie Christmas is exactly where I want to be. Check out my vlog to see how I managed to weave in a ribbon throughout the tree to give it that cosy and chic feeling. Definitely something I will continue to do year after year.
A tricky game to play – depending on the size of the gift, or the tree, or the area you are using ribbon in, consider the width size of the ribbon. My general rule of thumb is to go dainty with small spaces, and don’t be afraid of an ultra wide ribbon for larger areas.
You know me, I love anything wild and wonderful! This is where the decor gets next level in my books. Especially when you live in a wooden wonderland like I do, it just makes sense to bring in the outdoors indoors. Here are some of my favourite ways to do it over the holidays.
I love to bring in the long elegant lines of birch branches which you can group into little bouquets, or weave into your tree. If you have an olive trees you can bring this into your tablescape for the holidays for those inevitable and incredible wine and cheese nights. You’d be surprised what you can find in your backyard to be honest, so keep an eye out!
Such an easy way to bring that farm-to-table elegance to your Christmas decor this season. I love dried oranges in particular, and you can create garlands with them or place them on your tables next to candles in garlands. And oh goodness me, what a beautiful fragrance they fill the air with! Artificial holly berries are worth their weight in gold too as they last for years and add that subtle pop of colour if you’re feeling like things have gotten too neutral.
Hello Everyone,
Hi Lydia and Carrie and Ali,
Wanted to send you a Christmas Gift, so I spent all Saturday night over last weekend wraping it so pretty with gold and silver paper, and pretty red, white and green sparkle flowers so so lovely, I put a bottle of wine from Napa valley in it, along with a pretty necklace and bracelet, and fun pretty gold and silver ornaments, I loved the Christmas box I bought for you, but, then I took it to the post office, and they said I could not send wine.
It was a expensive bottle Mt. Veeder Cab, and then I went to FED X, as the post office said, maybe they would send the box with a bottle of wine, then I went there and they said, no I could not send a bottle of wine to the UK.
I am in boring Sacrmaento, California USA, and it made me so happy to put the box together for you, and I never sent anything ever to the UK, but having you share all you do, that I love, your home, your outfits, your travels, the cafes, the menus, the pubs, I just want to be there having fun with you all……
I am just so happy I found your utube channel,
Lidia, Carrie, Ali, you make my day. Its so dam hot in Sacramento, starting in MAY to OCTOBER its 100 degrees so I cant go outside, but you make staying inside happy for me seeing all you do on utube. I love the way your garden and greenhouse came together, I love all the details you share in your rooms, I do. I love ALL details on everything, Im like you in so many ways, but I dont do social media at all, just email.
I’m glad you could make a living out of sharing all you do, and your designer dreams come true.
So, then the FED X people said the box would cost $400. dollars, so even if I took the wine out of the box, it still wayyyyyy wayyyy, too expensive for me to send it, so I came home, sadly, unwrapped the very beautiful wrapping paper I spent all night on, like 3am wrapping it so so pretty. I dont really drink wine, only with friends, but wanted to share it and I cant.
So this is my story for you today. Cheers… in a spirit kind of way with you all. Im in much gratitude for all you share, you do a great job, really for me, best on utube Lydia…..
Happy birthday Carrie, I loved the restaurant video and you were so happy, it makes me happy, I think all you share and take the time to do so, makes a ribble effect around the globe.. Im proof, you inspire me in many ways. I wish I lived by you, I loved the walks with the dog. Porter is so so darling. And as a cat owner, I love yours also, you take great clips of them.
Happiest of New Years to you all, thanks for reading this.