
go for it and hope for the best!

13th November 2011
I pretty much should start with a huge apology for my rubbishness at blogging this past week, but if any of you have ever been in a long distance relationship, you’ll understand. But he’s leaving tomorrow…and no I’m certainly not happy about this but it means I’ll have a lil’ more free time on my hands, Although probably not this week as I am totally manic but never fear. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! So last week I was in DIRE need of some flat shoes as ever now and again I do need to run around without worrying about falling head over heels but I had a specific budget and shoe style in mind… I wanted black pointed suede flats with about half an inch heel….I couldn’t find any, ANYWHERE…If they were black they were patent, if they were suede they were BLUE. But I wasn’t going to take it lying down so I picked up some from new look for about £15 then headed to the haberdashery section in House of Fraser with the rule that if they couldn’t be dyed, they were going straight back but the lady ASSURED me that normal suede dye would work the same….Idiot! The shoes just soaked all the dye up leaving them patchy and transferring black dye all over my hands and feet…perfect, so I went back and she gave me black fabric dye, which right now seems to be working. The only problem was I got about 2 tubs of the stuff, which was waaay too much so it has been sat in the cupboard under the sink….UNTIL I realised I’d bought a bundle of plain t-shirts from a charity shop, that were waiting to be screwed around with in one of my draws, and seeing as I’d […]

I pretty much should start with a huge apology for my rubbishness at blogging this past week, but if any of you have ever been in a long distance relationship, you’ll understand. But he’s leaving tomorrow…and no I’m certainly not happy about this but it means I’ll have a lil’ more free time on my hands, Although probably not this week as I am totally manic but never fear. Where there’s a will, there’s a way!
So last week I was in DIRE need of some flat shoes as ever now and again I do need to run around without worrying about falling head over heels but I had a specific budget and shoe style in mind… I wanted black pointed suede flats with about half an inch heel….I couldn’t find any, ANYWHERE…If they were black they were patent, if they were suede they were BLUE. But I wasn’t going to take it lying down so I picked up some from new look for about £15 then headed to the haberdashery section in House of Fraser with the rule that if they couldn’t be dyed, they were going straight back but the lady ASSURED me that normal suede dye would work the same….Idiot! The shoes just soaked all the dye up leaving them patchy and transferring black dye all over my hands and feet…perfect, so I went back and she gave me black fabric dye, which right now seems to be working. The only problem was I got about 2 tubs of the stuff, which was waaay too much so it has been sat in the cupboard under the sink….UNTIL I realised I’d bought a bundle of plain t-shirts from a charity shop, that were waiting to be screwed around with in one of my draws, and seeing as I’d been lusting after a T with a thick black cross on I decided to make my own….

Yes the cross is supposed to be up down!
Looks pretty good for hand painted if I do say so myself!
Fabric paint – £2.60 per pot – House Of Fraser
Paint brushed – £2.99 – WH smiths
T-shirts – 50p – Charity shop
I also felt sad because I hadn’t done an outfit post for a while but I did manage to get a picture the other day when we went for a Starbucks mission so I thought I’d post it for u. You can see the shoes that I talked about above too. I did try to find a before picture but looks like they are sold out online, BOOOO!!
Fur Stole – New Look
Leather Jacket – Topshop
Dress – Primark
Necklace – eBay
Shoes – New Look DIY
Bag – Mulberry




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