London Fashion Week is mental, even if you take it super chilled like I do, and with every platform clocking up new comments, likes and interactions, it’s easy to lose your grasp on it all.
I’m a bit of an organisation lover, I like things to have their place and everything to run smoothly and with my phone being the epicentre of my working life, it’s important that is kept as Zen as the rest of my world. I have a lot of my notifications switched on so that I’m seeing the feedback on my content in real time which is a bit of a spanner in the works as it can add a little pressure to the mix but a little pressure never hurt anyone.
But to keep it all running smoothly and efficiently I have a few key factors to follow;
My e-mails are the one area where I used to struggle but I really feel like these last few weeks, I have turned a page. I’ve rekindled my love affair with them and enjoy sitting down and trawling through. I set aside a time frame each day to get through the back log so that things don’t get missed or out dated and everything is answered in good, efficient time. I start off by filtering through the rubbish that generally accumulates throughout the day. This is the most annoying aspect of it all, seeing how many websites have decided to sign you up to crap that you couldn’t care less about, but regardless it has to be done. Receipts, invoices and business account e-mails are then filed first and foremost into it’s separate folder and once thats all done I move on to the reponding. Current collaborations take priority, then new collab enquiries and media pack requests, then meetings and scheduling and I finish things off with new products and gifting. I can usually make my way through in an hour with a good cup of tea.
Responding to the people who engage with me and my content online is incredibly important to me and not something I take light heartedly so I ensure I set aside a part of my to really respond and engage back as I never want my responses to be lack lustre or vapid. The Youtube creator app makes keeping up with comments incredibly easy so I’m able to log on there and respond to the most recent comments no matter how old the video is that you’ve commented on. For Instagram I have the notifications centre turned on so that comments build up in there and I can simply swipe left, hit view and respond. With Instagram comments do come thick and fast and whilst I do try to get back to as many as possible, I have 9 times out of 10 written a blog post/filmed a video/linked the item on my shop widget so it’s always suggested that people check first.
I’m definitely most active on Snapchat when it comes to responding and engaging, I treat this kind of like Whatsapp but for readers and subscribers and I love chatting to so many of you there and reading your messages. I think because its like a private message, you feel able to open up more and your messages really touch me and change my entire day.
My schedule is my bread and butter, ensuring everything is colour coded, information is included, times dates and locations logged is what makes my world go round and my days run to plan. This happens in real time as the correspondence is picked up, information is immediately filtered through to my schedule so that when I have completely forgotten about that e-mail by 5pm that day, my schedule hasn’t and I can rest assured that I know where I need to be, and when, at all times.
Two videos and two blogs a week is my current structure for my online content and I’m thoroughly enjoying this balance I feel I have established between quality and quantity as I never want to feel as if I am bombarding you with half hearted posts to fill up space.
Some people work weeks if not months in advance, which I truly admire and respect but the free spirit within me craves spontaneity a little more regularly. When I find a cute dress I want is shot and on the blog so I can tell you about it as soon as so as a rule I never work more than 2 weeks in advance. If I do ever find myself that further a head than that, which to be honest is a rarity, I find myself tiring and bored of the content before I hit the publish button. But it is still beneficial to be a head where you feel comfortable so that content may tick over whilst you run from show to show or meeting to meeting and you can focus on the important stuff, like all of the above.
Photography by Jay Mclaughlin