
my feelings on getting married

11th July 2017
This post is in collaboration with La Perla.           “You completely redefined my idea of what love is and should be. That it needn’t be possessive, volatile or detrimental to your well-being, but can be selfless, gentle and consistent, and should empower you to pursue your passions. That is should balance and enrich life, not tear it to pieces.” Beau Taplin, BLOOM.   To be perfectly honest with you, it simply wasn’t for me. And I was OK with that. I had come to accept that there were those who marry, and those who don’t. I didn’t have a Pinterest board or a secret folder filled with dream dresses. I didn’t discuss the subject with friends or family and certainly never online. But one day, 4 years deep, it hit me and I kept it locked inside of me until 21st December 2016. I wasn’t really sure about him in the beginning, he was so good looking to the point where he was too good looking. The kind of guy I’d change the last digit of my phone number for, because you just knew his Whatsapp was poppin’ like the bottles on his table that he shared with his “boys” in Marbella last July. But his innocent, uncomplicated nature which perfectly matched his handsome appearance soon had my interest. There were hurdles, exes and that time where he walked away from me in a car park in Haddenham and I felt a pain that I couldn’t put into words. But with the hard times, always came the good. In fact, good simply didn’t do the life we went on to have together,  justice. We navigated through living an hour apart for over a year, he picked me up when I had no where to live and […]


This post is in collaboration with La Perla.






“You completely redefined my idea of what love is and should be. That it needn’t be possessive, volatile or detrimental to your well-being, but can be selfless, gentle and consistent, and should empower you to pursue your passions. That is should balance and enrich life, not tear it to pieces.”

Beau Taplin, BLOOM.



To be perfectly honest with you, it simply wasn’t for me.

And I was OK with that.

I had come to accept that there were those who marry, and those who don’t. I didn’t have a Pinterest board or a secret folder filled with dream dresses. I didn’t discuss the subject with friends or family and certainly never online. But one day, 4 years deep, it hit me and I kept it locked inside of me until 21st December 2016.

I wasn’t really sure about him in the beginning, he was so good looking to the point where he was too good looking. The kind of guy I’d change the last digit of my phone number for, because you just knew his Whatsapp was poppin’ like the bottles on his table that he shared with his “boys” in Marbella last July.

But his innocent, uncomplicated nature which perfectly matched his handsome appearance soon had my interest. There were hurdles, exes and that time where he walked away from me in a car park in Haddenham and I felt a pain that I couldn’t put into words. But with the hard times, always came the good. In fact, good simply didn’t do the life we went on to have together,  justice.

We navigated through living an hour apart for over a year, he picked me up when I had no where to live and we went on to build a life so incredible, I never imagined it would happen to me. We bought out first home, small and magnolia but we pulled all nighters, slept on the sofa and scraped our pennies together to get rid of that awful artex ceiling.

We got a cat, a cat who is more high maintenance than I am but we had no idea the love and sense of fulfillment that little fluff butt would bring us.


He was there through all the tough times with, when I finally left my full time job in Fashion E-comms and was so scared I couldn’t sleep. Parting ways with my management and going it alone. Hitting 100,000 subscribers whilst in a beautiful big bed in the Cotswolds and walking out on stage to collect my Play button. The journey together has been incredible.


On the 21st of December 2016, the path I thought my life was destined to take changed. As if he’d known all along I was ready, he asked me to marry him on a crisp winter evening under a beautiful white pavilion covered in rose petals. The ring was a classic princess cut diamond set upon a delicate platinum band which went on to provide inspiration when I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing.

Planning a wedding has been a learning curve, turns out those Pinterest boards could have been useful after all, and there are a few little things I’ve learnt so far that I wish I’d known before.


  • Be Bridezilla

This whole Bridezilla thing needs to die a death already. Wanting your day to be everything you imagined it to be is not a bad thing and the term Bridezilla is often used in a derogatory way. We celebrate people for knowing what they want out of life, and going and getting it but when it comes to weddings apparently it’s not OK.

It’s a day for the both of you to celebrate each other, I judge no one for wanting that to be nothing short of perfect.



  • Details

The little details do matter, from the colour of your rose petals to the delicate lace of your Bridal Lingerie. The engagement ring inspired the entire tone of the wedding, we wanted a classic but demure feel and this was evident right down to who would design my Bridal Lingerie.

Delicate eyelash lace, Italian heritage and female empowerment at its heart, the decision was made for me, the moment I slipped in to the Blossoms set from La Perla’s current Bridal collection. The foundations of your dress are of the upmost importance and in order to show your figure, which you will have undoubtedly been slaving for in the run up to the day, at it’s best in your dress, details such as your lingerie will be more important than you ever realised.


  • Accept help

It’s OK to feel out of your depth, to not understand everything there is to understand about weddings. With good, helpful people around you, you are able to create a day which is perfect in your own way. Whether it’s pushing aside out dated traditions or just switching things up a bit, you are going to have to accept help at some point and it doesn’t make it any less special if you do.

A wedding planner and an incredible Maid of honour are gifts from heaven.


What are your tips from your wedding? Whether you are a Bride-to-be or celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary. I could use your help.


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